Although we stock nearly 1,000 different snacks from around the world, something is missing. Any guesses? It's popcorn! Lucky for us, the folks at Takaokaya reached out and asked that we sample their brand new popcorn line, T-Pops. I used to live in England and popcorn isn't all that common there. When I did find some, it usually had sugar on it. For those living outside the U.S., it's mostly consumed with salt and butter and you can get it this way nearly everywhere. Well, that's the plain old way. Recently popcorn flavors have become wild and crazy with boutique shops opening up and offering anything they can think of. Some flavors are good, while a majority of them are a little gimmicky. (Think Dr. Pepper Popcorn). So when our box of popcorn from Takaokaya arrived we were relieved to find a wholesome product with non-gmo kernels, no high fructose corn syrup, and zero trans fat. The flavors aren't that wild and crazy... in Japan! Being we are international snack experts, we welcomed these flavors and quickly moved onto the review process. T-Pops Matcha Green Tea PopcornThe first flavor we sampled was Matcha Green Tea. Here at World of Snacks we sell a ton of great green tea snacks from Japan and we were very excited to give this unique flavor a go in popcorn format. Hands down this was our favorite flavor. The popcorn is crunchy like caramel corn. It's sweet, in a rich decadent way and it's rounded out with a creamy butter and earthy green tea. It's simply AWESOME! T-Pops Curry PopcornCurry flavor popcorn? I lied above when I said "hands down" the Matcha was our favorite popcorn, because this one came in a close second. We eat curry a lot, like at least once a week. It's also the dish our friends ask us to make when they come over. So it goes without saying that we know our curry. We also know we love T-Pops Curry Flavor Tokyo Style Popcorn. It's savory and only mildly curry flavored, but it's enough to make this treat highly addicting. There's a chance this popcorn would be our favorite if it packed a little more heat. T-Pops Salted Cod Roe PopcornMatcha and curry popcorn aren't that adventurous, but salted cod roe is! Or is it? The package had us intrigued, as salted cod roe is not a flavor we encounter often. I've had roe before, but not in snack format. So how's it taste? Buttery, salty, and a tad savory. It's pleasant and enjoyable. It's also not that adventurous. T-Pops Sesame PopcornHey this package looks familiar. However, the flavor is definitely unfamiliar. At first we only read sesame, which doesn't sound that distinct. Underneath the giant "Sesame" it also reads nori and salt. Nori is seaweed and this popcorn flavor is a little too fishy for our taste. But we do sell a ton of seaweed snacks from Thailand, so we know many of you will enjoy it. T-Pops Nori PopcornWe thought the last popcorn flavor was fishy, T-Pops Nori Flavor tastes like the ocean! At first the flavor was jarring but after a few kernels it became more enjoyable and hinted towards sushi, which we love! So there you have it. We just ate a ton of popcorn (we know you are jealous). Will we offer Takaokaya T-Pops Tokyo Style Popcorn in our international snack store? Chances are we will. The selection of flavors and the quality of the popcorn is unsurpassed. So check back soon and pick up a few bags for yourself! Update 6/16/2017: We've just received a limited supply. Order now why supplies last!
The Snack Blog
Follow along as we explore cookies, cakes, candies, chips, crackers, and nuts from all across the world. Many of the international snacks that we highlight will be offered in our store over the course of the next year. We currently offer British Snacks, American Snacks, German Snacks, Mexican Snacks, Filipino Snacks, Japanese Kit Kats, Pakistani Snacks, Italian Snacks, & Korean Snacks. Each month this year we will add a new country and their best snacks inventory. Shop
May 2018