Earlier this month World of Snacks launched it’s first round of Italian Snacks offered for sale in the US with international shipping to nearly everywhere. Our selection of snacks from Italy for sale online includes cookies, cakes, and chocolates. We initially set out to create World of Snacks so we could locate and sample unique snacks from around the globe. Tonight we are sampling our very first croissant snack! Our snack under review is the Dora3 Crema Cocoa Croissants. Dora3 is a brand owned by the Italian confectionery company Antonelli. It appears from our research the same snack is offered under each label. In some markets this snack is marketed as Antonelli Crema Cocoa Croissants. Unfortunately our research turned up little else about either Dora3 or Antonelli. So let’s move along and take a closer look these packaged Crema Cocoa Croissants. Our snack under review comes in a sky blue cloud-like wrapper. The snack weighs in at 50 grams or 1.76 ounces, depending on your preference. Dora3’s logo is simple; it’s a white oval with some wheat thrown about behind it. Below the Dora3 logo the package reads “croissant di pastasfoglia – puff pastry.” To the right there is a picture of a croissant packed with an abundance of chocolate filing as well as a wooden container offering even more chocolate. Along the bottom of the package it reads, “Crema Cacao with Custard Cocoa Filling”. Now onto the taste test of this Italian baked good. To be honest this unique snack had us intrigued from the beginning. A pre-packaged croissant snack is unheard of in the US, or really in any other country we have explored. The problem with offering a croissant this way is it’s typically fresh baked, and how long can it last? Well, Dora3 is working some sort of magic. The shelf life of the Crema Cocoa Croissants is quite long yet they manage somehow to still offer a fresh baked snack taste. Our testers were pleasantly surprised to sample a fluffy baked good. Although I personally prefer my croissants to be more flaky and buttery, this snack did not have a stale taste that I would have assumed would be apparent. It did however lack the abundance of chocolate pictured on the wrapper. There was very little chocolate filling and if the pastry portion wasn’t pleasant we doubt we would have enjoyed this snack. Overall it was enjoyable, but has room for improvement. If you want to order the Dora3 Crema Cocoa Croissants to sample yourself, you better do it now! Although we do offer this snack for sale in the US, we are not sure if we will restock our supply. Looking for other Italian Snacks that we do love? Check out our Italian offerings in our international snack store. As always, keep on snacking world!
The Snack Blog
Follow along as we explore cookies, cakes, candies, chips, crackers, and nuts from all across the world. Many of the international snacks that we highlight will be offered in our store over the course of the next year. We currently offer British Snacks, American Snacks, German Snacks, Mexican Snacks, Filipino Snacks, Japanese Kit Kats, Pakistani Snacks, Italian Snacks, & Korean Snacks. Each month this year we will add a new country and their best snacks inventory. Shop
May 2018