Our international snack blog is on a quest to locate the very best snacks in the world. Why are we hunting sweet and salty treats from across the globe? Our first thought was to connect with diverse cultures through their most loved foods. So far we have learned a ton about 30 different countries and what most people generally like to eat. The second reason for our adventure is to offer these discovered treats in the world biggest and best international snack store. Earlier this year we launched our snack shop with British Snacks, including their best chocolate, crisps, and biscuits. Each month this year we will add a new country to our inventory. So enough about why we are bother to spend countless hours eating delicious food, let’s get on with our review!
Although we have been reviewing a variety of exotic snacks for over a year, this is our first experience with a butter. This definitely qualifies as a snack, but butter is not the first item that comes to mind for us. So when it arrived, we were ecstatic to be trying something completely new. Our taste panel was small today, the World of Snacks co-owner and myself. We do intend to share with others later today, but our morning review panel is limited. We decided to try the butter by itself to start, although we imagine it’s rarely consumed this way. Instantly we realized L.B. Maple Treat was right, they did send us an item we “absolutely love.” Of course, we needed to get this Canadian butter onto a piece of toast to be sure. On toast, the L.B. Maple Butter is among the best things we have ever spread. The only other item that even comes close is Dulce De Leche, a Peruvian treat I enjoyed as a kid. The Maple butter is rich, sweet, and creamy. For being derived of only maple, the flavor was just right, not overpowering. With just a thin layer it transforms everyday bread into something truly magical. We paired it with a cappuccino and had an amazing breakfast! They did send us a note and said to try and blend the Maple butter with peanut butter, this will most likely be our breakfast tomorrow. If you wonder how it tastes leave a comment below and we will respond. Will World of Snacks offer Maple Butter by L.B. Maple Treat when our international snack store expands to Canadian products? It’s a definite maybe. We are still feeling out what is in high-demand across the globe from Canada. We enjoy this treat, and hope to eventually include it. If you want to try some unique treats in person you can visit our Online British Snack Store or leave your details to the right and we will let you know when new countries are added and send you special offers. Keep on snacking world!
The Snack Blog
Follow along as we explore cookies, cakes, candies, chips, crackers, and nuts from all across the world. Many of the international snacks that we highlight will be offered in our store over the course of the next year. We currently offer British Snacks, American Snacks, German Snacks, Mexican Snacks, Filipino Snacks, Japanese Kit Kats, Pakistani Snacks, Italian Snacks, & Korean Snacks. Each month this year we will add a new country and their best snacks inventory. Shop
May 2018