Our goal at World of Snacks is to become the largest international snack store in the world. We are working towards this goal one country at a time. Each month in 2014 we will expand our offering of international snacks for sale online by one country. We started with British Snacks in January and this month we launched our selection of American Snacks. We are utilizing our snack blog as a way to highlight potential items that we may include in the future. Tonight we find our snack blog back in Indonesia. Although we have reviewed snacks from a total of 31 countries, one of the most requested snacks is from Indonesia. We’ve had many people reach out to World of Snacks looking for the Kopiko Cappuccino Candy. Eventually we plan to offer the delicious coffee flavored candy, but first we need to determine our inventory of other snacks from Indonesia. So let’s take a look at Parrot Coconut Sandwich Biscuits and see it they will be included in our Indonesian snack inventory. Although this foreign snack carries the Parrot Brand, a company distributes it with US offices named Sun Hing. This is not our first treat offered by Sun Hing. They are a US and Canadian food distributor that specializes in offering a variety of ethnic food, includes Asian, West Indian, and Hispanic items. So we are not sure if this is a genuine snack that is loved by Indonesians or something produced for the US market, never the less- on with the review!
Will World of Snacks offer this snack from Indonesia in our international snack store when it expands to include this country? We think so. We’d love to know if this is a genuine item enjoyed by actual Indonesian, but even if it isn’t we still love it! If you are looking for a unique snack check out our selection of British Snacks. If you are waiting for Indonesian snacks, be sure to leave your details to the right and we will be sure to let you know when our store expands. Keep on snacking world!
The Snack Blog
Follow along as we explore cookies, cakes, candies, chips, crackers, and nuts from all across the world. Many of the international snacks that we highlight will be offered in our store over the course of the next year. We currently offer British Snacks, American Snacks, German Snacks, Mexican Snacks, Filipino Snacks, Japanese Kit Kats, Pakistani Snacks, Italian Snacks, & Korean Snacks. Each month this year we will add a new country and their best snacks inventory. Shop
May 2018